Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well I'm starting this blog so my new baby girl can see what was going on in her life before she can even remember it! So feel free to follow along, my spelling is bad but my wording will probably be even worse so I apologize ahead of time. :) I already have one bone to pick with blogspot and that is that i can not blog from my iphone, it is more of my iphone's fault than blogspot but I love my iphone so much that I can't possibly blame my iphone. So now off to blog!

A crazy thing happened in our life on November 3rd 2008, after nine months of a crazy belly growing experiment Carol gave birth to the greatest 9 lb 12 oz, 21 1/2 inch baby that anyone has ever seen! We named her Jo Anne Taylor after her late Grandmother. We decided that she would be called "Josie" I am sure that will change over the years but we like it! We brought her home after 3 days at Depaul hospital in Norfolk. The staff at Depaul could not have been better, and Carol's Ob/Gyn Dr. Nawrozi was wonderful!

After bringing Josie home the adventure began. We had many new Mommy and Daddy experiences. Josie's first bath, first poop, first scare the poop out of Daddy projectile poop!!! and many other firsts. Most all of them are great to look back on, even the carrying Josie around the pond at 4:45 a.m. because she has not been to sleep at all. The walk was the last straw that finally got her to go to sleep! It was an amazing night to say the least.

So now Josie is 14 weeks old and I finally got around to starting this blog! I hope to keep it updated at least once a week with all of our new experiences. This past week Josie went with us to our friends Amber and Jarrod's house and Josie actually saw their great danes Buddy and Sarge and she was a little scared. It was hilarious. Josie also got to see her Great Grandmother Coo Coo this week too, Coo Coo enjoys our visits immensely. While we were at Coo Coo's Josie also got see her Great Uncles Kenny and Roddy, they think she is adorable! Who Knows what the weeks ahead will bring but I am sure there will be more and more memorable moments...


  1. Congrats on your first of many blogs to come..from Josie's Aunt Ehran 8-)

  2. Thank you so much daddy I love you so much. Love,Josie❤️❤️❤️😘😘
